Monday 6 July 2015

Where's your Keys

[Where's your keys]

6 July 2015

WHERE’S YOUR KEYS – Short Story No. 1

“Where’s your keys” said Nicky jokingly!

“They’ll be in my bag like last time” Ruby replied confidently.

Ruby remembered the first time she’d met Nicky.  It was at the King’s Manor Hotel, where her keys had first gone missing.  She’d searched the room high and low and even reported it to the Hotel Manager.  After over an hour of frenetic searching, she finally found them in her rather oversized handbag!

She was positive that this would be the same scenario but, after frantically tipping her handbag out all over the floor and emptying all her pockets, she realised she must have left them in the boot of the car.  

What a numpty she felt.  She’d never done anything as empty-headed as this for ages.

Nicky’s husband and his jakey friend, Paul, tried repeatedly to break into the car, all to no avail.  “Was she that judgemental” she pondered, having decided that Paul was a ‘jakey’ on meeting him for the very first time.   When he suggested smashing the window and making out that it had been broken into, she realised that her first impressions were justified!

She did consider breaking into the car, however, as finding the spare key was likely to be like looking for a needle in a haystack.  

Luckily, sanity returned and she decided to get the bus home. 

“Where could it be” she thought anxiously?  She was packing up her house in order to move home and had put loads of boxes in the shed.  Finding anything in the shed was nigh on impossible.  She had a picture in her mind that the key was in her jewellery box but where had she put the jewellery box?

When she finally got home, to her amazement, she found her jewellery box almost straight away, in the beside-cabinet.  She looked at it tentatively, hoping that she’d find the missing key.  She opened it slowly like a treasure chest and lo and behold, here was the offending key!

Disaster averted, Ruby now keeps her spare keys in the safe.